
The accessories currently include the following subprojects:

Validator API (heroku)

Simple API

The simple API has three endpoints:

  1. to indicate ‘/status/’ (GET)

  2. providing ‘/documentation/’ (GET)

  3. to post mzQC files to ‘/validator/’ (POST)

The documentation endpoint provides a dict with details to each part of the validation (key) as text (value). The validator endpoint takes a mzQC file (JSON) and responds with an object as described in the documentation endpoint.

Local Validation & Testing

For local validation and validator development tests, you can start a local validation API like so:

python3 -m venv /tmp/vval
source /tmp/vval/bin/activate
pip install -r accessories/heroku/requirements.txt
python accessories/heroku/

e.g. with accessories/heroku/local_validator.html You can find both files necessary within the repository under accessories/heroku.


Or you can deploy your own heroku dyno like so:

cd /tmp/
curl | sh
heroku login
heroku git:clone -a mzqc-validator
cd mzqc-validator
rsync -aP --delete /home/walzer/psi/pymzqc/acessories/heroku  /tmp/mzqc-validator
git push heroku master