
The accessories currently include the following subprojects:

Validator API (formerly heroku)

Simple mzqc-validator API

The simple API has three endpoints:

  1. to indicate ‘/status/’ (GET)

  2. providing ‘/documentation/’ (GET)

  3. to post mzQC files to ‘/validator/’ (POST)

The documentation endpoint provides a dict with details to each part of the validation (key) as text (value). The validator endpoint takes a mzQC file (JSON) and responds with an object as described in the documentation endpoint.


From the root of the pymzqc source folder (i.e. build context pymzqc/) build the accessories/onlinevalidator/Dockerfile, e.g. with podman:

podman build -t mzqc-validator -f accessories/onlinevalidator/Dockerfile .

(If you are testing a release without pypi package uncomment the respective lines in the Dockerfile to override the pymzqc version used.)

Pre-built container images for selected (pre-)release versions can be found at the mzqc-validator container registry. If you want to deploy the onlinevalidator with your local pymzqc installation, please be aware of extra dependencies to the online-validator.


To test a deployment, run the mzqc-validator flask app in gunicorn from the container (as described in

podman run -p 5000:5000 -ti localhost/mzqc-validator python3 -m gunicorn wsgi:app -b --chdir mzqc-validator/

For local tests calling the flask app directly (i.e. as single thread app) is fine too: python accessories/onlinevalidator/; note that the ports might differ, depending on the flask and system defaults. Calling the mzqc_online_validator directly in gunicorn is fine too (podman run -p 8123:8123 -ti localhost/mzqc-validator python3 -m gunicorn mzqc_online_validator:app -b --chdir mzqc-validator/), the indirection is a legacy effect from heroku’s Procfile use and their example app.

The validate function of SemanticCheck is considerate of the environment variable MAX_ERR which set to an integer limits the amount of validation errors that can occur before validation is aborted. This can be for example adjusted in the call like so: podman run --env 'MAX_ERR=5' -p 5000:5000 -ti localhost/mzqc-validator python3 -m gunicorn wsgi:app -b --chdir mzqc-validator/

A Docker compose deploment example can be found at accessories/onlinevalidator/compose.yaml.

Port Mapping

The mzQC gitHub-pages integration and local_validator.html expect the API to run on port 5000.

Local Customisation, Development, Testing

First use as testbed for new changes.

Then, you can build and deploy the container as described above and access the API e.g. with accessories/onlinevalidator/local_validator.html You can find both files necessary within the repository under accessories/onlinevalidator.

Also, for either testing of a local deployment or as convenience for local validation, the repository provides a html page to call a locally deployed mzqc-validator API accessories/onlinevalidator/local_validator.html

Legacy Heroku Deployment

Or you can deploy your own heroku dyno like so:

cd /tmp/
curl | sh
heroku login
heroku git:clone -a mzqc-validator
cd mzqc-validator
rsync -aP --delete /home/walzer/psi/pymzqc/acessories/onlinevalidator  /tmp/mzqc-validator
git push heroku master